Social Media Advertising Strategies

Are you being constantly bombarded by the ads of things that you actually might like? Well, this means that someone who runs social media paid ads has a strategy that managed to find its way of reaching the desired target audience.

If you want to make your business successful, social media ads are crucial for reaching your potential customers. But – you can also have no-budget strategies which are not based on ads but on great content. Take a look at the following strategies for your social media promotion.

Promote a post whose purpose is not to sell but educate

Not everything is sell, sell, sell nowadays – SM users are bored of that kind of posts. In fact, it is always a better idea to teach your audience something which will further make them interested in your product. After all, social media is all about sharing information and discussing topics. This is a particularly neat strategy for Facebook as it allows all types of content to be shared.

Test two or more different ads on the same target audience

It is natural to have anxiety before paying for an ad. You are never sure what the response will be like despite the thorough research that has been conducted before that. However, one of the small and neat techniques is to create two different posts that have the same goal and target them to the audience using the small budget. The one that receives more responses is definitely the one to proceed with. This is called A/B testing and it goes beyond Facebook posts.

Introduce special features to your page

Many social media made their profiles and pages very open to new features and you should try to get the maximum out of these. For example, a chatbot on Facebook Messenger is always a good AI alternative that can solve your customers’ problems.

Another cool feature is Instagram’s poll sticker which is designed for hearing opinions of the users.

These are some of the recent popular choices, but there are dozens of them – explore!

Customize your page to be more user-friendly

If you own a Facebook page, you probably know there are many ways you can connect it to your website and practically make it inseparable from it. Carefully examine the options that pages provide and you will see how users slowly become leads if your funnel through SM is done properly.

Try creating a community

Social media are, after all, for socialization and this necessarily means that people will naturally tend to connect based on their opinions and interests. It is your job as a social media marketer to navigate the users and build a community which will become your basis for further SM strategies.

Start collaborating with an influencer

Influencers are famous people who use social media and have numerous followers. If the influencer is in any way related to your niche, you might want to get in touch with them to start an SM strategy that will involve them as one of the main advocates for your products. Influencer marketing strategy is often seen on Instagram but other social media are not completely excluded either.


To conclude, these were just some of the marketing strategies that are currently popular in the world of social media. However, if you truly want to become a marketer who deeply understands SM, you need to combine various strategies and stay consistent with posting and interaction with the users.

This is simply done by creating profiles on social media which you think will be the most relevant for your business (the more the better, if you have the resources) and coming up with ideas that will drive sales.

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